3D Printing
3D printing has become mainstream over the last few years. It can now reliably be used by home hobbyists and small businesses to produce parts that would have been impossible just a few years ago.
RAKtronics was created in early 2013 to provide electronics and software based solutions to industry. We are a small independent company with a wide area of experience and can offer knowledgable and flexible solutions.
Setup in early 2013 RAKtronics is mostly me, Richard Fisher.
Click the links below to find out more about what we can do.
Electronics design is a significant part of our work. From the initial sketch through PCBs to working prototypes and beyond.
Software continues to be a primary focus and we support multiple languages on both the desktop and embedded systems.
We can take the electronics and software and progress to a working prototype or even a small run of units.
3D printing has become mainstream over the last few years. It can now reliably be used by home hobbyists and small businesses to produce parts that would have been impossible just a few years ago.
Having been in the retail footfall counting business for a number of years I am well aware of the process of counting people, a sensor to ‘see’ the people, a data logger to record the counts and then a way of uploading the counts to a central server so the numbers can be seen by the client, however this presents a whole new set of challenges when there is no power and you are miles from anywhere…